30 April 2012

It's over :(

This weekend was absolutely fantastic! I really can't wait until the next beta weekend :D
I'm just a bit worried because my computer made the game reeeally slow, which did take away some of the fun, so I cross my fingers that the finished game won't be as sluggish.

I have a lot of sleep to catch up on this night :P Oh, except I'll be going to a park to celebrate the 1st of May with my friends, so the sleep-catching will have to wait until later.

26 April 2012

Drawing and waiting...

Only roughly 31 hours until the Guild Wars 2 beta starts, yayy :D!

My fingers have been itching to draw something for the past few days, so I made this quick and hideous sketch:

I kinda like the colors, but I just couldn't get the shading on the face work for some reason, so I think I'll just leave it like this. Still trying to find the motivation/inspiration for a "real" painting :(

19 April 2012

GW2 beta :D

The official date for the Guild Wars 2 beta is announced: 27-29th April :D!
I seriously can't wait! This is the moment I've looked forward to ever since the announcement of Guild Wars Eye of the North back in 2007 :D
*insert a fangirl-squee*

I also tried out Les Mill's Bodycombat last Saturday at the gym. Gotta say I fell in love with it instantly, so I incorporated it into my workout plan, which now looks like this:
Mondays: spinning
Tuesdays: Bodypump
Wednesdays: Bodycombat
Thursdays: Bodypump
Fridays: rest
Saturdays: Bodypump+Bodycombat
Saturdays: rest

I'm also getting about an hour of walking each day because it's actually faster to walk to work than take the bus downtown (approx 20 min) + bus to work (approx 20 more min) :) Hehe, beach 2012, here I come.

As for drawing, I really feel like doing it, but each time I start sketching something the motivation kind of fades away when I realize that the painting won't be as good as I picture in my head. Looking at all the amazing artists that can be found on Deviantart makes me really inspired on the other hand, but also kind of depressed on the other hand when I realize that I'm not as good as them. I know that the only way to get better is to practice a lot, but I just don't have a lot of motivation right now :(
Gah. Patience is definitely not one of my strong points.

18 April 2012


So, I've been working at my parents' bookshop for about a week now.
It's the best job ever.
Basically, I get paid for just sitting at a desk for two hours 5 days a week, doing pretty much what I want (facebook/surfing on the internet/drawing/reading) because the shop rarely gets any customers. Just me and my iPad for two (often very boring) hours.

...I should probably spend that time doing something productive, such as studying for entrance exams. I still don't feel the slightest motivated to start studying, argh!

Here's something I doodled on my iPad at work:

Gah, drawing with my fingers is such a painfully slow technique. I'll probably never attempt a full painting on my iPad and only stick to sketches until I miraculously manage to gain some more patience :D

12 April 2012


Yay, I now have a dress for my graduation :). That's one more thing to cross off my to-do list.

I called my dentist yesterday. Seems I'll get my last two wisdom teeth extracted in June. I remember that last time equaled a few days of utter pain, so I'm not really looking forward to it :(. Well, at least I'll have it over with then, so that those teeth can't bother me at a later point!

My parents also offered me a summer job in case I won't get chosen for any of the ones I applied for :D. I'm starting it out already by helping out in my parents' bookshop and keeping it open on days that my parents usually have it closed. I'll also be helping my dad find material for a book he's writing. Seems I have my incomes covered for this summer!

And, because a blog requires a photo, here's a random photo of a mozzarella-tomato salad I made to go with today's dinner.

10 April 2012

Boring life

This blog keeps being quiet because there still hasn't been anything exciting happening in my life.

Until today.

I bought the Guild Wars 2 pre-purchase deluxe edition :D!!
Can't wait to get to play in the next beta weekend!!

(in case you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm only referring to the most awesome game currently in development!)

And if you think that my blog is quiet now, then you haven't even seen quiet. Wait around until GW2 is released, and I'll show you the true meaning of a quiet blog. I will allow nothing to come in between me and gaming once the game is out.

05 April 2012

Life goes on

Life's been pretty much the same the past few days: I wake up, exercise, eat, watch some tv and go to bed. Rinse and repeat.

Currently I'm enjoying my last day of freedom, because my parents are coming back home tomorrow. To celebrate both their return and the easter holiday, I decided to make a smörgåstårta :D It's basically a cake but you use sandwiches for the layers and the filling is usually something salty (in my case I used ham, cream cheese and creme fraiche for the filling and tomatoes, cucumber and creme fraiche mixed with mayoonaisse for the top). Can't wait to taste it tomorrow :D

I also watched Forrest Gump for the first time today (about time!). The story progressed a bit slowly for my taste, but I loved the plot and all the characters nonetheless. I didn't really read the summary of the plot before watching it, so I didn't really know what to expect, but I definitely thought it was different from this - I'd kind of imagined the whole movie to have some kind of heavy action-war-chase story. Heh.

Also been doing slight revisions to my novel. Currently at page 82. It's slowly getting better, but I'm still having very big doubts as to whether it's current state is good enough for an agent to be interested in it.

01 April 2012


Today I've been...

...baking this pie :D

...and revising this book (picture taken last November when I got the novel in physical format). A lot of the scenes in the beginning are shorter now, which I hope will let the story flow more smoothly :).